#4 Brian Ho 何廷威

Age 年齡: 16

Language 能講語言: English 英文、 Mandarin 國語、French 法文

Hobbies 興趣: Singing 唱歌、Acting 演戲、Dancing 跳舞、Drawing 繪畫、Basketball 籃球

Special Talent 特別才能: Dancing 跳舞

Favorite Food 喜愛食物: Pork belly 豬腩肉、Korean food 韓國食物

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: Trip to Korea 去韓國旅行

Best Attributes of your Body 最滿意身體部位: My eyes, they show a lot of emotions 眼睛,很有情感

Most Embarrassing Moment 最尷尬事情: Getting hit by a car 被汽車撞倒

Dreams in Life 夢想: Live life with no regrets 無悔地過每一天

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be 如果要模仿一個人,會是誰?Jungkook (BTS)