#7 Melissa Tieu 蕭美如

Age 年齡: 25

Language 能講語言: English 英文、Cantonese 粵語

Hobbies 興趣: Music 音樂、Dancing 跳舞、Biking 單車、Team Sports 隊制運動

Special Talent 特別才能: Singing 唱歌

Favorite Types of Music:R&B、Hip-Hop

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷:When I was little, I found a wallet in a supermarket and returned it to the owner. I was unexpectedly rewarded with money from the wallet owner 小時候我曾經在超市內拾到錢包,並成功把它交還給物主。錢包主人還送我獎金以作答謝

Best Attributes of your Body 最滿意身體部位:My smile, because I once heard “use you smile to change the world, but do not let the world change your smile” 笑容,我曾聽說「用你的微笑改變世界,別讓世界改變你的微笑」

Most Embarrassing Moment 最尷尬事情: My badminton teammates question the many grunts they heard in the gym and ask who it was, I would confess that it was me 打羽毛球時,每次殺球都會大喊一聲,但語氣粗豪像漢子

Dreams in Life 夢想: Own my business 創業

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be 如果要模仿一個人,會是誰?Charmaine Sheh (a character in TV drama “My Sister of Eternal Flower” 佘詩曼(電視劇「花花世界花家姐」中的「花家姐」)